Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Plano received the Stage 7 award for efficient use of technology to record patients’ medical information. This award is the highest level of recognition available for hospitals that have replaced paper chart model of record keeping with an electronic model of tracking patient care. Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society created this award in 2009. “It shows our commitment to being an innovative leader in the medical community,” said Dawn Atchley-Tarrant, Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Plano customer engagement specialist. “We strive to adopt different technologies to provide quality care to our patients.” Several features including medical device integration—which transmits patients’ vital signs into the system—and structured electronic forms where a patient’s medical history is recorded help in reducing chances of human error and miscommunication between doctors, nurses and patients, Atchley-Tarrant said. The award is part of a model to track the progress and efficiency of hospitals that use electronic medical record adoption system.