The cities of Grapevine and Fort Worth received a combined $2.75 million in grants from the Texas parks and Wildlife Commission, according to a Jan. 24 news release from the organization.

In a nutshell

The Fort Worth Parks and Recreation department was given a $2 million outdoor urban indoor grant for the renovation of the Texas Hall of Wonders building at the Fort Worth Zoo, per the release.

Settlers Park in Grapevine received a $750,000 non-urban outdoor grant from the commission, which will help with the development of Phase 2 of the park.

The release states that the Phase 2 elements of Settlers Park include the additions of a boardwalk/pier, kayak launch, outdoor education/primitive camping area, pavilion, existing trail and fishing pier expansion, trail lighting, native landscaping, signage and site amenities.

The backstory

Grapevine City Council approved a $3.3 million construction contract for the project in 2023, according to previous reporting. The contract was partially funded by the city’s quality-of-life fund and a $500,000 grant from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in 2019.