1. Why are you running?
a. To serve Colleyville: I have a strong record of service to our community, including the Colleyville Rotary Club (president), the Grapevine-Colleyville Education Foundation (president), Colleyville Executive Organization (chairman), North Texas Shield Foundation (board of directors), Colleyville Chamber of Commerce, Colleyville Center Advisory Committee, Leadership Colleyville and Grapevine High School booster for Belles, Fillies and Band. As a parent, homeowner, business owner and a community volunteer, I hope to join with other council members to provide to a well-rounded, experienced perspective to our city. b. To bring a business perspective to city government: I have 38 years of business experience in information technology and accounting systems. I own and operate a successful IT consulting company. I will bring that experience to bear in serving on City Council. c. To bring Colleyville together: During my 26 years in Colleyville I’ve never met a person I didn’t like. I am friends with people across the political spectrum, not just folks who agree with me. I hope to bring people together in a spirit of community and cooperation.2. If elected, what will you focus on?
a. Glade Road improvements: It’s time to move forward. Let’s go! b. Sidewalks and trails: I would support a more aggressive plan to complete our sidewalk and trail system. Sidewalks are not only a safety issue; they also give folks the opportunity to get outside, get some exercise, meet their neighbors and maybe even take some cars off the streets. c. Water infrastructure: A recent engineering study estimated Colleyville will spend $50 million over the next few years on water infrastructure. I support policies that balance the desire to keep water rates low with the need to set money aside for water infrastructure needs of the future. d. Stewardship: We must balance low taxes with good financial stewardship. Take care of today’s resources so they will be there for future generations. e. Positive leadership: Good leaders don’t divide us—they bring people together to achieve common goals. f. Public safety: Continue innovative community policing to maintain the title of “Safest City in Texas." g. Business retention and economic development: Retaining existing businesses and restaurants is as important as bringing in new ones. I would focus on new businesses that bring daytime workers and customers to Colleyville [and] to support our existing businesses.Kathy Wheat has also filed for Place 3. Election day is May 6 from 7 a.m.-7 p.m., and early voting will run April 24-29 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and May 1-2 from 7 a.m.-7 p.m.