Frisco Police are asking for the public’s help in reducing firearm thefts. Between 2016 and 2020, Frisco logged about four stolen firearm reports a month. Last year the city saw a slight uptick in the total number of firearm theft reports compared with 2019. And while these thefts represent a small fraction of the thousands of offenses reported each year, police say these particular crimes carry an added risk.

“It’s one too many if it ends up being used in the commission of a crime,” Frisco Police Sgt. Evan Mattei said.

Data shows that the majority of firearm thefts are occurring in residential neighborhoods and specifically from unlocked vehicles parked in those neighborhoods.
“We're a safe, safe city, but we are not immune from crime,” Mattei said. “The overwhelming majority [of firearm thefts] are absolutely preventable by the citizen themselves if they would remove the firearm from their car ... and lock the car.”