The city of Frisco presented its 2020 Distinguished Veteran award to Dayton Duncan on Nov. 17.

The award was started following Mayor Jeff Cheney's election in 2016 with the Frisco Veterans Advisory Committee helping select nominees for the award. As part of the award presentation, Cheney read a proclamation congratulating Duncan on his life of service, leadership and commitment to the country and the community.

"Dayton Duncan has served the city of Frisco as a board member for Frisco Parks and Recreation, a passionate supporter of the Frisco Independent School District and as a member of both local and area chapters of the Parent Teachers Association," Cheney said, noting the Duncans were one of the original families of Frisco. "He is also a founding member of the Frisco Heritage Association, was an early advocate for establishing Frisco Resale and is a member of Frisco First Baptist Church."