Beginning May 1, Frisco's retail, restaurants, movie theaters and mall can open at 25% of an establishment's listed occupancy.

This comes after Frisco City Council voted to amend its emergency ordinance at an April 27 special meeting to align with Gov. Greg Abbott's revised plan to reopen Texas, also announced April 27.

Museums and libraries will be allowed to open at 25% capacity as well, according to Phase 1 of Abbott's plan. No hands-on or interactive components will be allowed.

An announcement for when Frisco Public Library will open will come later this week, Frisco Mayor Jeff Cheney said.

Per Abbott's plan, outdoor sports such as tennis and golf will be allowed as long as there are no more than four participants.

A plan to reopen Frisco's city parks will be announced later this week as well, Cheney said. But beginning May 1, the city will start opening the Ruff Range dog park; Dash's Track disc golf; and tennis, volleyball, pickle ball and basketball courts, according to a city release.

Additionally, all licensed health care professionals will begin to open and churches, and places of worship will be able to offer in-person service under certain guidelines, per the governor's plan.

Frisco's order will go into effect May 1 and will last for two weeks, Cheney said. The state, region and city will keep an eye on case numbers during the period of limited reopening, he said.