Here are five recent updates on schools and school districts in the metroplex, on high school graduations, e-learning efforts and more.

GALLERY: Frisco ISD high schools celebrate senior class with yard signs, social media

FISD printed around 4,400 yard signs for seniors and their families to display to congratulate the upcoming graduates on their accomplishments

McKinney high schools to hold combination drive-thru and virtual graduation ceremony for 2020 graduating class

McKinney ISD announced April 23 it will be honoring its 2020 graduating seniors with a ceremony that will combine virtual and drive-thru elements.

McKinney ISD's music education program earns national recognition

McKinney ISD has been named to the 2020 Best Communities for Music Education list by the National Association of Music Merchants.

Plano ISD says graduation ceremonies will be postponed because of coronavirus—and could go virtual

Plano ISD has reserved venues in August for its senior high school graduation ceremonies, a contingency in the event that such gatherings are safe to hold later in the summer.

Richardson ISD to distribute 1,000 Wi-Fi hot spots to facilitate remote learning

Richardson ISD will provide 1,000 additional mobile hotspots to support online learning over the course of coronavirus-related school closures.

Daniel Houston, Elizabeth Uclés, Makenzie Plusnick and Miranda Jaimes contributed to this report.