The Dripping Springs ISD board of trustees will hold its regularly scheduled agenda review meeting March 23 at 6 p.m. Audio of the meeting will be broadcast via live video, a measure taken in accordance with the district's decision to close schools and activities until at least April 3, and with Hays County's March 17 order prohibiting gatherings of greater than 10 people while coronavirus concerns persist.

Individuals wishing to participate in the meeting's public forum will still have an opportunity to do so, so long as they submit an online form before the meeting begins. Public comment will be shared by phone call.

Included in the agenda for tonight's meeting is a motion to officially postpone the May 2 election for two seats on the board of trustees to Nov. 3, a decision that would mirror the Travis County Clerk's Office's notice that it will not facilitate any elections in May.

As the board of trustees moves meetings online, the district has also reported efforts to help families adjust to new online learning operations. According to a March 22 statement from the district, a districtwide technology survey returned results that the community reported a need for over 600 devices. In response, DSISD's technology department will check out devices to students who need them on March 24 and 25.