Travis County commissioners are creating a task force to identify what substandard roads in the unincorporated areas of the county need fixing.

County residents are welcome to apply to be on the task force here. The application is due by 5 p.m. Nov. 17.

The why

Substandard roads are roads that were built along with a development and are often unpaved. Travis County has over 108 miles of these roads, and they technically aren’t the city’s or county’s responsibility to fix, said John Langmore, chair of the Travis County Bond Committee.

The task force will explore which roads need to be prioritized and what funding options are available to fix them, including federal grants or tacking the construction cost on residents’ homeowners association fees.

The details

The Substandard Roads Task Force will meet weekly starting in November until mid-February 2024. Meetings will be open to the public and held in the evening. Committee members may need to appear at several Travis County Commissioners Court meetings to update the court on their progress.

Applicants must be Travis County residents, have no delinquent taxes and cannot work for a company that would profit from the selected projects. Commissioners are also looking for effective communicators who have experience participating in local issues, represent a group of stakeholders, and have a breadth of knowledge on government and transportation.