A new primary care clinic opened its doors in East Austin this spring.

Harbor Health is now offering appointments for pediatric through elderly patients. The clinic is one of Harbor's several locations around Central Texas, including five others in Austin.
A new primary care clinic opened in East Austin in April. (Ben Thompson/Community Impact)
Harbor Health's clinics offer service for primary care, specialized care, behavioral health and chronic disease needs.

“Harbor is making meaningful change in transforming the current health system to a health production system. We are aligning a new care model to a payment model that rewards providers for reducing health care risk in populations and lowering the total cost of care to service that population," co-founder Tony Miller said in a blog post. "Consumers are demanding health care to be designed around their conditions and problems and to show them how they can improve behaviors and choose wisely about the costs of treatments. Harbor aims to do all of this in a vertically integrated solution."