Kyle mayor

*indicates incumbent

Travis Mitchell*

Occupation: Mayor of Kyle and local small business owner

Experience: Degree from Texas A&M, 10 years building my own business, finishing MBA from UT, 1.5 years on city council, 3 years as mayor of Kyle.

What would be your top priorities if you are elected?

TM: My vision is and always has been to build a stronger Kyle. Our town is beautiful, with tremendous potential, and we owe it to ourselves to unlock that potential through sound fiscal leadership. In my 4.5 years on council, Kyle has lowered its tax rate by more than 11% which leads all of Hays County. We have also built eight new roads -- a city record. And most importantly, we have added more than 200 new businesses and more than 1 million square feet of industrial space to our community. This helps balance out the types of development within our borders and helps generate new tax revenue from places other than single-family residential homeowner's pockets.

Linda Tenorio

Occupation: Retired

Experience: I am a former business owner, I know how to budget and set priorities. I was on the Kyle city council from 2004--2007.

What would be your top priorities if you are elected?

LT: I don't like the way things are going for the citizens of Kyle. There is overspending and wasteful I will address infrastructure, property tax which is a burden to all of us. Improve communication and input from Kyle Citizens.

Peter Parcher

Occupation: I am a painter by trade. I am a former businessman who has been involved in resident representation for several years in Kyle.

Experience: Founded steeplechase neighborhood watch, stood for residents in front of council many times, unilateral annexations and initiated recall.

What would be your top priorities if you are elected?

PP: As Mayor, my top priorities will be representing all residents of Kyle, regaining a sense of trust in the City Council, stabilizing the City's economy, helping local businesses survive the pandemic, re-instill a sense of community and improving the City's infrastructure to match our increased population.

David Abdel

Occupation: I am an educator. I am currently the Social Studies K-12 District Curriculum Instructional Specialist for San Marcos CISD.

Experience: I spent over a decade in corporate sales and data analysis prior to becoming an educator. The last five years have been spent in education in both Hays and San Marcos CISD. I've been an active volunteer in local politics for over 2 decades, as well as an active servant leader for charitable causes.

What would be your top priorities if you are elected?

DA: I am running to become the next Mayor for Kyle so that we can bring governing back to the neighbors of Kyle. The goal is to utilize public forums to guide the decision making and planning for the future of Kyle. Too long our neighbors have been ignored and we've seen the repercussions of that. Lowering taxes, bringing down city spending in an effort to make this town affordable for everyone, and growing a strong small business community are major concerns for me as well.