The Round Rock Express opens its season tonight at the Dell Diamond with a five-game home stand against the Memphis Redbirds. This article is the final installation of a three-part series leading up to Opening Day at Dell Diamond, located at 3400 E. Palm Valley Blvd., Round Rock.

Augtoberfest, concert series highlight year of promotions for Round Rock Express

Fans attending Round Rock Express games this season have the opportunity to catch a concert after the game or take home a bobble head doll of Nolan Ryan, according to a calendar of promotions and giveaways released by the Round Rock Express. In total, Round Rock’s minor league baseball team has more than 30 themed nights, kids’ nights, giveaways and concerts planned throughout the season, beginning with opening day April 5. The Round Rock Community Choir will sing the national anthem for Opening Day at the Dell Diamond. The Round Rock Express also scheduled a handful of concerts throughout the season. Beginning with a April 7 concert, Dell Diamond will host five shows with 1980s cover-band The Spazmatics, 1990s cover-band Zoodust and local singer-songwriter Bob Schneider. On April 19, the Round Rock Express will kick off its scheduled theme nights with a Pints & Pups night at Dell Diamond, when fans can bring their dogs to the game. Throughout the season, the Round Rock Express scheduled theme nights including Nickelodeon Night, Star Wars Night, “The Office” Tribute Night, Om at the Ballpark, Augtoberfest and more. Special theme nights for children attending games have also been scheduled throughout the season, including Harry Potter Night, Princess Night and Superhero Night. To complement the evens nights for children, the Round Rock Express will host giveaways for backpacks and lunch bags. Several additional promotional giveaways are planned at Dell Diamond throughout the season, including giveaways for bobblehead figurines of baseball legend Nolan Ryan and tennis star Andy Roddick. The Nolan Ryan bobblehead giveaway will take place during the Battle for the Boot Championship series against the Nashville Honky Tonks from May 30-June 2.