Pflugerville City Council green lighted an $8.2 million construction contract for infrastructure improvements in the Historic Colored Addition subdivision at its Jan. 28 meeting.

The details

The HCA subdivision is located off West Pecan Street in Pflugerville.

The contract with Joe Bland Construction includes improvements to Russell Street, Caldwells Lane, Taylor Street, Lincoln Avenue and the new Grant Street. Construction will also improve sidewalks, street lighting, water mains and hydrants, underground utilities and utilities duct bank.

The project will take approximately nine months, city officials said. General fund and utility fund money paid for the design for this project, while 2020 voter-approved bonds over the construction costs.

Some context

Pflugerville's HCA was founded in 1910, when Black workers in the cotton industry and ice factory were not allowed to live in Pflugerville. A reminder of the city’s history of segregation, the HCA subdivision is now within city limits, consisting of two cemeteries, a historic church, homes and businesses.

City Council approved an infrastructure and land use study of the HCA Subdivision in April 2019, which showed need for infrastructure improvements in the area. The agreement with Halff Associates also included design services for the recommended improvements.