Pflugerville officials are expected to propose a maximum property tax rate Aug. 8 for fiscal year 2023-24, before holding public hearings and officially adopting a rate and budget in September.

The gist

City staff are proposing a property tax rate of $0.5362 per $100 valuation for FY 2023-24, marking an 11% increase from last year’s adopted rate of $0.4813 per $100 valuation. Should Pflugerville City Council adopt the rate, it would bring the city’s total expected tax levy to $59.9 million. However, this is the first step in the process to adopt a property tax rate, as the city is required to hold a public hearing if the proposed rate exceeds the city’s no-new-revenue tax rate, which is $0.4310.

The no-new-revenue rate is the rate at which the city would raise the amount of property tax revenue as it did the previous fiscal year before taking into account newly built properties.

Also on the agenda

Council will also hear a presentation from city staff on the proposed budget for fiscal year 2023-24. City staff are proposing $616.2 million in expenses, with the largest of spending to potentially come from the city’s utility capital fund. The proposed budget also includes $296 million in revenue, which would leave around $322.5 million in the city’s total funds by September 2024.

The breakdown:

Some of the largest proposed expenditures in Pflugerville for FY 2023-24 are:
  • $175.7 million: water capital improvement projects
  • $132.9 million: wastewater capital improvement projects
  • $116.5 million: transportation projects
  • $68 million: operating expenditures
  • $35.2 million: debt service payments
  • $14.6 million: parks and recreation projects
Next steps

The public hearing to allow citizens a chance to speak on the new proposed tax rate is scheduled for Sept. 12 at 7 p.m., at which time council will vote to adopt the fiscal year 2023-24 tax rate and budget.