The grants are part of Austin Park Foundation’s ACL Music Festival Grants Program, which distributes grants to community park improvement projects ranging from $500 to over $5,000.
“Our team is excited to serve the many different facets of Austin’s park-going community—from roller derby athletes to community gardeners—through this year’s grant program,” Austin Parks Foundation CEO Colin Wallis said in a press release.
Bartholomew Roller District Park Derby Track received a $16,000 grant for a feasibility study on the construction of a shade structure for Austin Roller Derby in District 4, according to the press release. Feasibility studies determine whether a project is practical for an area.
District 1 also received a $5,000 grant for North Oaks Neighborhood Park for the construction of a community garden fence, and Georgian Acres Neighborhood Park in District 4 received $3,785 for the purchase of wildflower and native grass seeds, along with additional materials.