1. Trail Bridge at Congress Avenue project
Austin nonprofit The Trail Foundation will build a new connection along the Ann and Roy Butler Hike & Bike Trail under the Congress Avenue bridge that will widen that portion of the trail from 6 feet to 14 feet, result in improved accessibility and provide a new bat observation deck. The existing bridge will remain open during construction.
Timeline: mid-2016-summer 2017 Cost: $2.5 million Funding sources: donations
2. Colorado Street reconstruction
Three blocks of roadway are being improved as part of a broader effort to replace aging utility infrastructure along Colorado Street. In addition, sidewalks will be widened, and decorative pavers and trees will be added along the street, according to the city. Once complete, Colorado will be converted to two-way traffic from Cesar Chavez to 10th streets.
Timeline: November 2015-March 2017 Cost: $8 million Funding sources: 2006 bond, 2010 bond and 2012 municipal bond money
3. Downtown reclaimed-water pipeline project
A reclaimed-water transmission main is being constructed near the Capitol Complex. The 10,500 feet of reclaimed-water piping will start at Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Trinity Street and continue south along Trinity to 11th Street and then head west along 11th and 10th streets, ending at San Antonio Street. Properties along the route will be able to obtain reclaimed water, or purified wastewater that is not drinkable.
Timeline: November 2015-December 2016 Cost: $4.7 million Funding sources: Austin Water Utility and Public Works Department