FRS-2015-05-15-1mThe city of Frisco honored volunteers for their work and service April 23 during the Municipal Volunteer Program Appreciation Reception.

Last year, 973 volunteers logged 24,275 hours of service. Those service hours were calculated by the city of Frisco to be valued at nearly $600,000.

“Frisco is a great place to live because of the people [who] are here,” City Councilman Jeff Cheney said.

Other winners were: Julia Cleath, Spirit Award; Rene Gracia, Rookie of the Year; Donna Anderson, Silver Award; Lee Wilson, Gold Award; and Ken Ditmore, Teen Volunteer of the Year.

The city also recognized 189 Team Players, or volunteers who donated 10 to 24 hours of service in 2014; 155 Shining Stars, or volunteers who donated 25 to 99 hours of service; and 39 Superstars, those who donated 100 or more hours of service.