Rollingwood City Council unanimously approved lowering the wastewater base rate at its Oct. 17 meeting. Rates for both residential and nonresidential users is decreased as well as a lower price-per-gallon usage for both parties.

The new rates went into effect Oct. 20, the day that meters were read, and will be reflected in the Nov. 19 monthly reading and the bill sent out in December.

"Its the culmination of a long, hard road, and we are starting to see the benefits," Rollingwood Mayor Barry Bone said.

There is now no base rate for wastewater usage for residential users, down from the previous $40 charge. The new nonresidential rate is $65, down from $135. The nonresidential rate is set per LUE.

The council also voted to change the volume charge rate for both residential and nonresidential customers. The new rate for residential customers is $6.35 per 1,000 gallons of winter average use, down from $10.29. The nonresidential rate was decreased from $12.20 per 1,000 gallons of monthly water usage to $7.58.

"These are exactly the numbers from the analysis done before the bond election, Bone said. "What we told the citizens before the bond election—all the information—this is consistent with that."