In the May 6 election, New Braunfels ISD voters will have the opportunity to vote for a board member in District 4 if that is where they reside.

Below are the responses from the two candidates for District 4—Jackie Sanders and incumbent John E. Tucker.

Candidates were asked to keep their responses at or below 50 words and avoid attacking their opponents.

Answers may have been edited or cut to adhere to those guidelines, or for style and clarity.

Information on this race as well as the city of New Braunfels 2023 bond can be found here.


Jackie Sanders

Experience: Active parent in the school district for almost 10 years

Occupation: Electrician

What are your top three priorities if elected?

Communication, transparency and a thorough budget review.

How should NBISD handle continued growth in the district?

I believe NBISD is handling the continued growth as well as can be expected already. Our only real option is to continue to use demographers and track where the growth will take place, so that schools can be built or expanded to accommodate the increasing number of students.

What would you do specifically as a trustee to involve residents and business owners in decision-making processes?

I would like to start a town hall style meeting between trustees and residents. Right now, the method for communication between the school board and parents/residents is ineffective. There is no way to speak to the entire board and get any communication back from them.

How would you work with state and congressional leaders to solve local problems for the school district?

I would start close to home with our local state representatives. I'll make an effort to get to know them, and where they stand on issues that affect our district. For anything beyond that, I believe a good letter-writing campaign goes a long way to getting your voice heard.

John E. Tucker*

Experience: Current trustee; facilities management at Comal, Flour Bluff and Dallas ISDs.

Occupation: Retired architect

Contact Information: 214-686-2101

What are your top three priorities if elected?

Complete the replacement, renovating and upgrading the original New Braunfels High School building and grounds. Improve counseling and mental health services at every campus. Increase security by adding school resource officers (through the New Braunfels Police Department) for all campuses.

How should NBISD handle continued growth in the district?

NBISD should carefully plan, using accurate information, for new households, to have classrooms ready in the right areas. Development does not occur in secret; it can be planned for and efficiently accepted. New construction, additions, or boundary adjustments must be used when needed to avoid misusing taxpayers’ money.

What would you do specifically as a trustee to involve residents and business owners in decision making processes?

Continue to insist residents and business owners be involved in facility planning, and in growth and staffing needs. We also need to know what vocational training is helpful; what jobs and skill sets are useful for classes? What careers are available on completing college? The community knows.

How would you work with state and congressional leaders to solve local problems for the school district?

School districts must develop relationships with candidates for state and congressional offices. School funding must be simplified and made equal. The “property rich” statewide school tax assessment is the Legislature’s largest source of income. It must be replaced, made legal by the voters, or cut from local tax rates.