Drivers can expect some delays and lane closures Monday morning on RM 2222 as crews restripe a portion of the roadway near RM 620. The Texas Department of Transportation will restripe the westbound lanes of RM 2222 from near the Wells Fargo Bank building to RM 620. This will lengthen the queue for drivers turning onto RM 620 as well as improve mobility and enhance safety, according to a news release. Work will occur from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.. Crews will also be installing flexible delineators on RM 2222 to prohibit illegal left turns. This work will occur July 23 from 10 p.m.-5 a.m. Lane closures will be required to perform the work and drivers should allow extra time to travel through this area, the release state. The work is being done in advance of two projects that will add a bypass lane from RM 620 to RM 2222 and widen portions of RM 2222. The first project on RM 2222 involves adding an eastbound through lane from Bonaventure Boulevard to Sitio Del Rio Boulevard and a westbound through lane from Ribelin Ranch Drive to Sitio Del Rio. The second project involves adding the bypass road on RM 620 from Steiner Ranch Boulevard to RM 2222. That project will start next summer.