Council members Laurie Higginbotham, Louis Mastrangelo and Steve Smith will continue to serve as public officials for the city of Lakeway.

The three officials, initially elected in 2018, were sworn into office by Judge Michele Locke during a virtual City Council meeting May 18.

The mayor and all council members serve two-year terms, according to city information. The next officer election is scheduled for May 1, 2021.

Higginbotham was also reappointed as mayor pro tem during the same meeting.

The motion passed with Smith opposing and Higginbotham and Council Member Sanjeev Kumar abstaining.

“Going through the pandemic, we’ve been working very closely for the last three months,” Mayor Sandy Cox said, adding that appointing Higginbotham will be a good decision moving forward.

Higginbotham will serve as mayor pro tem through May 2021.