Devin Kuretski, the owner of solar panel installation company Aura Solar, offered advice for homeowners interested in converting to solar energy.

Why are owners considering installing solar panels on their home?

What gets people excited about it is the ownership aspect. We own our houses; we own our cars; and now you can own your electricity through solar panels. You can own your power for the same price, if not less, than you would rent your electricity from the utility companies. On top of that, it builds value on your house. Then also it’s good for the environment and a way you can support renewable energy and help the environment for future generations.

How much do solar panels cost?

It’s based on how much electricity you need, and that will relate to the cost. What I tell most people, because most people do the financing option, that it’s going to be right around what you pay now, if not substantially less. Most people are able to save 10%-20%.

How long does it take to install a solar panel?

With my team, it takes us half a day. But from signing up, the first step is just having a consultation with me or one of the sales people. If the customer wants to move forward, then we have to submit for [homeowner association] approval, and we have to pull permits. So the whole process takes like 30-90 days, depending on the area.

How long do solar panels last?

There’s no maintenance on a solar system for 25 years. Everything comes with a 25-year warranty, so if anything needs to be replaced, we replace it at no charge to the customer. After 25 years, there might be some maintenance, but manufacturers give the panels a 40-year useful life.

Does the weather impact solar panels?

It’s based on a credit system. So there’s going to be cloudy days, and the system is only going to be producing maybe 50%, but because of the credit system through the utility companies, you’ll have credit stored up from those extra sunny days, and those are going to carry over on cloudy days. So it all evens out.

Devin Kuretski