In January, the board approved the additional projects at a cost of $7.2 million to be completed with savings from the 2015 and 2018 school bonds. In March, GISD completed two of the 16 projects.
Since then, four new projects have been completed, including the replacement of basketball goals and hall doors in Georgetown High School's gym for $23,984, the construction of canopy outside the East View High school weight room for $30,410, the replacement of lights with LEDs in the EVHS gym for $51,456 and the purchase of one semitrailer to pull band trailers for $40,831, Biesheuvel said.
The following six projects will be completed by August:
- replacement of exterior lights with LEDs in campus parking lots and athletics field lights;
- purchase of band uniforms at GHS and EVHS;
- repair of stucco at the GISD Athletic Complex;
- construction of practice putting green to serve EVHS and GHS;
- enclose library clerestory in Wagner Middle School; and
- replacement of turf at EVHS practice field.