1. Lamar Blvd. adaptive signal control
The city of Austin is working to complete the project, which will test traffic signals on South Lamar Boulevard from Treadwell Street to the Brodie Oaks shopping center. The project is the first of four adaptive signal pilot projects that will allow the city identify potential travel time savings using adaptive signals. Work involves installing advanced detection equipment that monitors traffic and uses software to change signal timing automatically in response to variations in traffic flow to reduce delays. City staff had set fall 2016 as a goal for completion but as of November said the pilot project is "ongoing until the results meet our expectations. A deadline of completion will not be set as of now."
Timeline: spring 2015-TBD Cost: approximately $80,000 Funding sources: Surface Transportation Metropolitan Mobility grant
Work to improve the safety at the intersection was completed in November. The project is the latest initiative of the city’s Vision Zero Program, which aims to eliminate traffic fatalities in Austin, and it is the second of the high-priority intersections identified for funding last September. Work entailed installing pedestrian safety features, such as a curb extension on the northeast corner of the intersection and an extension of the median, adding Americans with Disabilities Act-accessible ramps and installing high-visibility crosswalks.[/caption]2. Cameron Road, US 183 safety improvement construction
Work to improve the safety at the intersection was completed in November. The project is the latest initiative of the city’s Vision Zero Program, which aims to eliminate traffic fatalities in Austin, and it is the second of the high-priority intersections identified for funding last September. Work entailed installing pedestrian safety features, such as a curb extension on the northeast corner of the intersection and an extension of the median, adding Americans with Disabilities Act-accessible ramps and installing high-visibility crosswalks.
Timeline: October-November Cost: estimated at $268,000 Funding sources: Austin Transportation Department