Loud music, grunting and heavy weights thudding against the ground are waking some Brentwood residents who live near a neighborhood CrossFit location.

Nikela Bryson, a homeowner near the BVM CrossFit location off Burnet Road, addressed Austin City Council on June 26 about the noise she said has been disrupting her peace since the new CrossFit opened.

"CrossFit facilities in our neighborhood are operating under an allowed zoning use of personal improvement services. In general, fitness studios, including indoor gyms, are placed in this category. However, to anyone who has spent even a few minutes next to a CrossFit operation, it is clear what they are doing should be classified as outdoor sports and recreation," Bryson said.

Bryson showed council members a video she made that contained images of CrossFit members using the public street as a workout area and objects in her backyard visibly shaking from the noise coming from the gym.

Multiple council members have been working with the neighborhood and investigating the issue.

"We did go out to the neighborhood; we did go out during heavy workout hours. We agree there's significant issues," Councilman Mike Martinez said.

Councilwoman Laura Morrison said that from what she could tell after looking into the matter, it is an Austin Police Department issue.

Bryson said she has contacted APD in the past about the noise, but it never brought about a solution.