Traffic-calming devices have been installed along Rockwood Lane with more to be constructed soon following neighborhood requests.

The devices, first requested by the North Shoal Creek Neighborhood Association in January 2012, are intended to help prevent drivers from speeding, neighborhood board member Sharon Justice said.

After the city conducted its own study on Rockwood Lane, officials found that 19 percent of northbound vehicles drove above the speed limit, and nearly 15 percent of southbound vehicles were speeding, Transportation Department spokeswoman Cheyenne Krause said.

Construction between Ashdale Drive and Steck Avenue was recently completed to include curb extensions that narrow driving lanes while giving pedestrians more room to walk.

More construction will take place between Primrose Lane and Steck Avenue and will include curb extensions and one roundabout on Stillwood Lane.

"The Transportation Department evaluates traffic speed and volume on the street," Krause said. "It's a need-based program."