Community members will have several opportunities to weigh in on plans for the redevelopment of a 19-acre site in St. Johns neighborhood this fall.

The city's redevelopment of the site that comprises a former Home Depot store and a Chrysler dealership is moving into a community engagement phase, including a resource fair Sept. 10 and an online survey.

Using bond funding, Austin purchased 7211 and 7309 I-35 N., Austin, in 2008 and 2013, respectively. While the initial plan for the site included a court and police substation, the city shifted to a plan for housing and commercial space following community input.

In June, City Council passed a resolution stating the site will be used as a mixed-use development with both affordable housing and commercial real estate built through a partnership of Greystar and the Housing Authority of the City of Austin.

The resolution states the development will be something that "honors the rich Black and Hispanic history of the neighborhood."

Community members can get involved through: