Shop aims to appeal to broad range of geological enthusiasts

Austin may be synonymous with live music, but the city has room for more than just one type of rock.

"It started out as a little more of a metaphysical store than a rock store, but it didn't take long for the rockhounds to scope it out," Nature's Treasures owner Karen Richards said.

The business started in the 1980s in San Diego, Richards said. What started as a hobby while Richards pursued other business ventures, including Texas Office Products, slowly grew into its own stand-alone business. Nature's Treasures moved into its space at 4103 N. I-35 in 2011, increasing from a total of 1,200 square feet of space throughout three Austin locations to 14,000 square feet in one store.

"I've traveled all over, but I've always felt Austin supported me," Richards said. "Austin is a great place to start a business."

The shop sees many different kinds of people come through its doors, from rockhounds to New Age practitioners to families with children, Richards said. Nature's Treasures also offers event rental space, classes, a rock depot for lapidary supplies and a rock yard for those interested in alternative landscaping.

"People are wanting a natural piece in their home more and more," she said. "[Wanting the natural element] has to do with the aesthetics and beauty of it, but it also, whether they understand it or not, has to do with the vibration of [natural piece]."

The shelves at Nature's Treasures are stocked with rocks, fossils and minerals from throughout the world, Richards said. Some come from as far away as Afghanistan, Morocco, Poland and China. The store has also been able to name two new rocks. Along with the variety of products, Richards said she offers minerals in different forms of such as pocket stones and lamps.

"What we try to do is make sure that whatever mineral it is, you can have it in a variety of different modalities that are workable for your own personal situation," she said.

Nature's Treasures also offers lapidary equipment including tumblers and saws. Because of the locations' space, Richards said she has the room to hold classes, gatherings and speakers on both metaphysical and geological topics.

Nature's Treasures, 4103 N. I-35, 512-472-5015,, Hours: Sun.–Thu. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Fri.–Sat. 10 a.m.–8 p.m.