Twenty-five cultural arts organizations could see grant funding from the city of Richardson in fiscal year 2019-20. This year's budget allocates $375,000 in hotel-motel tax revenue toward cultural arts grants. Of that, $360,000 is doled out in the fall for annual operations grants. The remainder is set aside for the spring grant cycle, which is reserved for one-time initiatives. Grant requests this fall totaled $537,850, according to Assistant City Manager Shanna Sims-Bradish. "There are always more requests than we have funding for," Sims-Bradish said. Applications are reviewed and recommendations are made by the Richardson Cultural Arts Commission. Eligible organizations must have a presence in Richardson, make an impact on the economy and prove their 501(c)(3) status, among other items. In fiscal year 2019-20, the commission is recommending 25 grants ranging from $1,500 to $81,000, Sims-Bradish said. If council approves the recommendations, the Richardson Symphony Orchestra would receive the largest grant.         Council is scheduled to vote on the recommendations Sept. 22, and grant awards are disbursed after the fiscal year commences Oct. 1.