Students of all ages and skill levels can gain the tools and confidence they need to succeed academically with Tutor Doctor. Tutors meet students in their homes to provide in-person instruction and also offer online tutoring.

Owner Sandy Tutwiler said summer is a great time to enroll students in tutoring with Tutor Doctor to prevent the ‘summer slide.’

Tutwiler offers academic support for students, helping to reinforce material they learned last year and giving them a head start on material for the upcoming year.

“We really do see that slide and in reading and math,” Tutwiler said. “[Students] can backtrack as much as three months. That's a big deal.”

Tutwiler works with elementary and middle school students on the English, language arts and reading (ELAR) and math concepts they’ll learn in the first nine weeks, giving them a head start.

“When they start the school year and they've already seen what they're learning and it's all a review, their confidence is through the roof,” Tutwiler said.

Taking time to reinforce concepts from the previous year can be beneficial as well. If a student is struggling with fundamentals, then adding new material won’t benefit them, Tutwiler said.

Before students work on new concepts, Tutwiler gives them a few math and reading comprehension questions to assess what they retained from the previous year. This personalized approach allows Tutwiler to meet each student’s specific needs.

High school students taking an AP class in the following school year can benefit from tutoring with Tutor Doctor as well.

“When that class starts, that content goes so fast and there's so much of it,” Tutwiler said. “If they can get a preview and start getting a glimpse of what that class is going to be and start learning those concepts, they really have an excellent chance of doing well.”

Tutor Doctor is also offering SAT and ACT test preparation camps as well as one-one-one test practice this summer. Starting this spring, students preparing for college will take a redesigned SAT and Tutor Doctor is giving them the tools they need to excel.

Not every student will be excited about doing tutoring over the summer so Tutwiler finds out what each student is interested in and incorporates that into lessons.

For example, in the past she asked students to write a short story, then the students filmed themselves reading the story and presented it to their families. She has also asked students to rewrite the ending of a book or movie they enjoy to practice ELAR skills.

While these activities are fun for the students, they are gaining knowledge and skills without realizing it.

“We can have them put their critical thinking skills together and create a board game and that can help with math,” Tutwiler said.

Tutwiler said she loves asking her team of tutors for new ideas to create engaging learning opportunities for students.

To enroll in summer tutoring with Tutor Doctor, visit

The above story was produced by Multi-platform Journalist Mary Katherine Shapiro with Community Impact's Storytelling team with information solely provided by the local business as part of their "sponsored content" purchase through our advertising team.