Schertz City Council approved a $2,556,531 professional services agreement with engineering firm Halff Associates, Inc. for the final design of the Lower Seguin Road Reconstruction Project on Feb. 18.

Some context

Lower Seguin Road is a rural, two-lane roadway that sees a fair amount of traffic, including a significant number of trucks, and is in poor condition. The main commercial entrance to the Randolph Air Force Base—which is used by delivery trucks—is located on Lower Seguin Road, which often gets congested due to the amount of traffic, according to agenda documents.

What you need to know

The reconstruction project will provide a stronger pavement section capable of supporting the traffic on the roadway and a traffic signal at the Randolph entrance to help traffic flow more efficiently in and out of the base, according to agenda documents. Roadway drainage is also anticipated to improve—increasing the expected pavement life of the new roadway.

How we got here

In 2003, City Council passed a resolution authorizing a task order with Halff Associates for the preliminary design and environmental clearance for the reconstruction project. Since November 2023, city staff and Halff Associates have been working on the preliminary design, environmental clearance, coordinating with Randolph and exploring federal funding options for project construction, agenda documents state.

The preliminary plans for the reconstruction project are nearly complete, and the environmental clearance is underway. Defense Community Infrastructure Program has been identified to help pay for construction costs associated with the projection.

What else?

The newly approved task order will build upon the work done by the earlier task order and complete the final design of the project, according to agenda documents.