Two individuals are vying for the District 4 seat on the Judson ISD board of trustees in the May election.

The candidates running are Incumbent José A. Macias, Jr. and Bianca Hulsey.

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For voters, the last day to register to vote in the election is April 3. Voter registration and information can be found on the Texas Secretary of State website, and early voting is scheduled for April 22-29.

Candidates were asked to limit responses to 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers have been edited or cut for style and clarity or to adhere to guidelines.

José A. Macias Jr.

Experience: Served 4 terms as a Judson ISD trustee and as an Alamo College District trustee (2019-2020)

Occupation: Executive director, UNITY37 Coalition

Contact Information: 210-386-0075

What are your top three priorities that you would like to achieve if elected?

Support educational achievement in Judson ISD without diminishing our ability to provide basic educational services. Address barriers to student success in the classroom by addressing the whole student, ranging from social emotional support to increasing academic resources. Increasing Early College and dual credit programming as well as STEM related programming.

What challenges do you think the district is currently facing, and what is your plan to address those?

One of the biggest challenges facing our district is the rapid increase of students categorized as economically disadvantaged. Our strategies must incorporate pathways of support in areas of academic readiness, parent engagement, mentorship, and collaborations with nonprofits.

In the event of budget constraints, what are potential solutions you would advocate for to balance the budget?

Budgetary constraints that we are experiencing are extremely critical. If the legislature continues to focus on funding school vouchers and does not increase the basic student allotment to a sustainable level, we may be forced to increase classroom sizes and shut down campuses in order to reduce costs.

Bianca Hulsey

Experience: Advocate, JISD Special Education Parent Advisory Committee founder, district volunteer, former substitute, parent

Occupation: Retail

Contact Information: 210-580-6377

What are your top three priorities that you would like to achieve if elected?

1. Student success. Stronger teacher support leads to better reading and overall academic achievement. 2. Teachers and staff. Providing resources and appreciation supports all staff so they can do their job effectively. 3. Transparency and accountability. I will advocate for clear communication and responsible decisions district wide.

What challenges do you think the district is currently facing, and what is your plan to address those?

Reading gaps affect all subjects; early intervention is crucial. Bullying/discipline has been detected. I will further investigate and build up each campus’ anti-bullying committees. Special populations are growing. I propose a district-wide subcommittee of educators and paras to address classroom needs and will promote SEPAC for greater engagement.

In the event of budget constraints, what are potential solutions you would advocate for to balance the budget?

I would first review any areas of possible overspending, or any areas that could potentially be reduced in spending, to focus on academic basics. I will do this by going through all financial data and expenditures.