Two candidates are running for Live Oak City Council Place 3 in the May election.
What you need to knowThe candidates running for Place 3 are incumbent Erin Pérez and Alexandra McPherson.
Pérez was first elected to Live Oak City Council Place 3 in May 2021, according to the city's
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For voters, the last day to register to vote in the election is April 3. Voter registration and information can be found on the
Texas Secretary of State website, and early voting is scheduled for April 22-29.
Candidates were asked to limit responses to 50 words, answer the questions provided and avoid attacking opponents. Answers have been edited or cut for style and clarity or to adhere to guidelines.
Why are you running?
I am honored and blessed to serve our premier City of Live Oak over the last two terms. As a 12th generation Texan, Live Oak resident since 2009, we have worked together with integrity and transparency to modernize and innovate our strategic goals to be congruent with our live, learn,
What is the most important issue facing residents and how would you address it?
Access to health care, property taxes and the economy. I continue to collaborate, partner and advocate in the local, regional, state and federal arenas to let our Live Oak constituent voices be heard, counted and acknowledged.
If elected, how do you plan to address future growth?
I will continue to partner and collaborate with all our local, regional, state and federal leaders to provide effective due diligence with risk vs. benefits and alternatives analysis as we seek to modernize and innovate strategic goals to meet the needs of today and tomorrow for each intervention considered.
If elected, what would be your top 3 priorities?
Continue to care, listen, advocate and lead with integrity and transparency as our world continues to evolve quickly to ensure our Live Oak residents have the best quality of life and well being we can build together. Adelante Juntos! Forward Together!
Why are you running?
I’d like to run for Live Oak City Council to use my 10+ years of experience in healthcare, transportation, and oil/gas while helping current initiatives that positively impact our seniors, children, and residents
What is the most important issue facing residents and how would you address it?
The education is the most pressing issue. I will lobby for more funding and resources that encourage support for our local schools aligned with current council initiatives.
If elected, how do you plan to address future growth?
I will foster sustainable growth in Live Oak by having education and transportation planning integrated in addition to supporting current council initiatives that satisfy the community’s needs.
If elected, what would be your top 3 priorities?
1. Support local schools and improve educational resources 2. Enhance transportation infrastructure 3. Foster sustainable economic development and support local businesses