The Judson ISD board of trustees approved a one-time $750 retention incentive for special education and bilingual teachers and a $300 one-time retention incentive for special education and bilingual instructional paraprofessionals for the 2024-2025 school year Feb. 20.

Funds for these incentives will be paid from 2024-2025 Every StudentsSucceeds Act Title II Carryover Funds. Funds will be paid in August 2025 for the staff working at the district effective January 2025 who are also returning in August for the 2025-2026 school year, according to agenda documents.

The break down

The total cost for the aforementioned incentives is $365,400 plus fringe benefits of 10%, bringing the total cost to $401,940, according to agenda documents.

What the board is saying

Superintendent Milton "Rob" Fields III reiterated that this is what the district has the funds to do right now.

“If we’re unable to do this again or going forward—we’re not taking anything away from anyone or decreasing anyone’s salary—we’re just trying to do what we can with the funds we have available right now,” Fields said.

Board Secretary Laura Stanford said she appreciated the money going to these teachers.

“They’re really worth so much more, but I’m glad we can do this,” Stanford said.

Trustee José Macias Jr. noted that the district is anticipated to pass a compensation plan in June, which could include additional raises for employees if the district has the means to do so.

“It is a good opportunity to tell our employees ‘You’re valued, please stay,’” Macias Jr. said.