The Judson ISD board of trustees on June 30 discussed district safety and a plan moving forward to ensure all students, staff and guests are safe on each campus.

The board of trustees approved a contracted service agreement with True North Consulting in the amount of $195,690 that will be used to perform a safety and security audit.

According to staff, a safety and security audit is required every three years, and working with True North Consulting would allow JISD to have additional services, including an enhanced security risk assessment.

Trustee Suzanne Kenoyer said she supports the additional services attached to the audit as well as having a thorough look at safety and security.

“I think it is incredibly important that we make sure that all of our staff and students, and anybody who is in any of our facilities, is as safe as they can be,” Kenoyer said. “My last year of teaching was when Sandy Hook happened, and that made a huge impact on me as an educator.”

Trustees also held the first discussion on the next steps to address the safety and security needs of JISD.

To meet safety needs and priorities set by the district, staff presented a potential bond that would include three propositions.

Proposition A is an estimated $146.7 million and would include upgrades that secure gymnasiums; reduce student travel time; repair foundations; improve campus communication; replace buses; upgrade the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system; and provide safety improvements to campuses.

Proposition B is an estimated $16.3 million and would include upgrades for the Wagner High School track and field as well as the tennis court.

Proposition C is an estimated $55 million and would include upgrading existing camera systems, adding cameras to nonsecure areas, upgrading network security and upgrading access control for entrances.

Trustee José Macias said the district should consider putting the bond on the November ballot, and he believes voters will be receptive to a bond that focuses on safety and security.

“The safety part of it I think is necessary because as a district, we do not have the resources to put forward what is necessary to upgrade every facility, and I think our community recognizes that,” Macias said.

Kenoyer expressed the urgency of the bond and said it should go to voters as soon as it can.

“I don’t think we can wait,” Kenoyer said. “Should something happen at Judson ISD and we waited, I could never forgive myself. There are some things that are too important to wait on, and student and staff lives are one of those things.”

Trustees in the meeting were in agreement that the bond would need to happen as soon as possible, and the scope and clarity of the bond needs to be laid out to the public.

Should the board pursue putting the bond on the November ballot, the call for an election would need to be made by Aug. 22. Should the board pursue the bond on the May 2023 ballot, the call for an election would need to be made in January.

Bond discussion will continue at future board meetings with the next meeting being held July 21.