New Braunfels ISD broke ground on a new elementary school in the Veramendi neighborhood May 9, according to a news release from NBISD.

The details

The new school will be the 11th elementary school in New Braunfels ISD, located at 158 Word Parkway, New Braunfels. It is part of the 2021 Bond Program and aims to address the area's increasing population growth, according to the release.

“The growth in this area continues to rise and with that forms the need for more space,” said NBISD Superintendent Laurelyn Arterbury. “This project and others from the 2021 bond will help keep NBISD on track to keep up with the growth.”

What’s next

The elementary school—which will be built by Bartlett Cocke General Contractors—should accommodate up to 750 students and is scheduled to open in fall 2025, according to the release.

The district's board of trustees will consider matters such as zoning, transportation arrangements, the naming of the school and staffing at to-be-determined future meetings.