The New Braunfels Economic Development Corporation’s Last Tuber’s Exit Project, aimed at improving safety and accessibility for Comal River users, is set to begin construction this November following approval of the updated $1.4 million construction cost.

The framework

Scott McClelland, assistant director of transportation and capital improvements, presented an update of the projects to the EDC on Sept. 12.

According to McClelland, project details include:
  • Replacing underwater stairs
  • Adding a 12-foot-wide landing
  • Installing handrails and an Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant transfer system
The proposed blueprint for the tubing exit renovation. (Courtesy city of New Braunfels)

The safety improvements are designed to reduce congestion, make the exit safer for tubers, and limit the need for staff interventions during peak times, McClelland said.

“[We’re] just trying to make it a safer exit for those using the river,” he said.

The breakdown

Here is a breakdown of the funding and cost adjustments for the project, McClelland said:
  • The final design of the project was funded with $162,000, which was approved in January 2023
  • Construction funding was initially estimated at $1.2 million, with approval granted in April
  • The total project cost was revised to $1.4 million after construction bids came in higher than expected
  • An additional $252,000 was secured through the city’s fiscal year 2024-25 budget to cover the funding gap
The timeline

The plan is to present the construction contract for approval at the Oct. 14 city council meeting, McClelland said.

Construction on the project is scheduled to begin in November and expected to be complete by March 2025, McClelland said, though weather conditions could potentially cause delays.