The overview
According to the city website and original resolution establishing the committee, the purpose of the group is to improve the city’s quality of life through a citizen-government partnership.
The committee can provide recommendations to City Council based on:
- Changes to traffic patterns
- Crosswalks
- No parking zones
- Yield and stop signs
- Hike and bike lanes
- Speed limiting devices
- Other transportation-related needs
City staff will work with the committee as nonvoting members to discuss potential projects and changes that need to go before the City Council.
When the committee agrees on a recommendation, that recommendation is then brought before the council for further consideration and eventual approval if necessary.
Why it matters
City Council also held a workshop Feb. 20 to review recommendations from the committee’s meeting Feb. 5.
One recommendation supported by the City Council was the implementation of radar feedback signs on the west part of Dietz Elkhorn.
During this discussion, City Council was in favor of putting the sign on the roadway alongside creating a priority list for additional areas in the city that may need these signs.
This item was discussed as a workshop item, meaning no official action was taken, and the signs on the road are expected to come back during a future City Council meeting.
Alongside radar feedback signs, topics in the workshop included speed limit discussions for Fair Oaks Parkway and the implementation of intersection signs and a double yellow line turning from Fair Oaks Parkway onto Front Gate. None of the discussion items had official action taken.
Get involved
For residents who have transportation or pedestrian related concerns, a form is available on the city website to submit information for the committee to review.