1. Bee Caves Road expansion

Two projects to add a continuous left-turn lane on Bee Caves Road from Redbud Trail to Walsh Tarlton Lane are underway in the Westlake area.

November 2016-summer 2019 $23 million

2. Cuernavaca Drive traffic signal improvements

Texas Department of Transportation plans to install a flashing yellow arrow to the traffic signal at the intersection of Bee Caves Road and Cuernavaca Drive. The project should be completed by March 2019.

March 2019 $369,000

3. Lohmans Spur Road extension

Lohmans Spur Road will be extended near the site of the city’s new police facility. The project has completed preliminary engineering design.

Mid-2018 $1 million

4. Water Control and Improvement District 10 projects

WCID 10 is installing water lines along various streets. See 6 updates here. A water line is also being installed on Redbud Trail, from Old Stonehenge Street to Flintridge Trail. Westlake voters approved the bond projects in 2015.

October 2017-July 2018 $2.56 million

5. RM 620 widening

The Texas Department of Transportation is developing a project to widen RM 620 from four lanes to a six-lane, divided road from West Hwy. 71 to the Colorado River. The cities of Bee Cave and Lakeway in January committed $5 million each toward eventual construction costs.

Bid date: August 2023 Cost: $80 million Funding source: Various

6. RM 620 Repaving

TxDOT plans to repave RM 620 from the Mansfield Dam to RM 2222 and from Anderson Mill Road to N. SH 45 at US 183. The four-month project could begin by early summer 2018.

Construction date: mid-2018 Cost: $1.79 million Funding source: TxDOT

7. Bee Creek Road extension

Improvements are coming to extend Bee Creek Road near the Highlands Boulevard traffic circle. Crews from a private developer will also increase the radius of the traffic circle and realign Bee Creek Road to tie into the roundabout. One half of the traffic circle will be two-way traffic during construction of the other half.

Start date: Unknown Funding Source: Private

8. RM 2222 Four Points expansion

A project to reconstruct a portion of RM 2222 from Bonaventure Drive to Ribelin Ranch Road into a six-lane divided highway is being developed to improve traffic near Four Points Middle and Vandegrift High schools. Environmental clearance could be given by June 2018.

Environmental study complete: June 2018 Estimated cost: $11 million Funding source: TxDOT