The Colleyville City Council approved a minor plat at 216 W. Glade Road, Colleyville, during a Jan. 10 meeting. The change was requested so the owner could construct a new single-family residence on the lot.
The lot in question is part of the Nguyen Johnson Addition on approximately 0.942 acres. The lot does not meet the city's lot width requirements of the Land Development Code, which is 150 feet in width. The lot is only 107 feet in width, spurring the applicant to request a plat waiver.
It is an existing plot of land, and the applicant has no plans to subdivide the lot, according to city staff.
Staff added the City Council can approve a plat which contains a lot that does not meet the minimum requirements when special conditions exist, which staff said they believe was the case in this instance.
Currently, the property is unplatted and previously held an older single-family residence, which was recently removed. The applicant is seeking to build a new structure on the land.
"This situation is unique to this one lot; I want to get that on the record," Council Member Mike Taylor said.
During the meeting, council also called for an election in May to elect council members to Places 5 and 6, currently held by Nancy Coplen and Mike Taylor. The last day to file for election is Feb. 16.