The holidays are upon us. Every day most people jump effortlessly into the spirit of the season, decorating trees indoors and outside wrapping gifts for loved ones or business associates and generally finding ways to do good unto others.

This month will also be a time of rest and reflection for many, when there is finally time to take a few days to sleep in and spend the day in pajamas watching movies or reading those books that have been piling up.
Remember though, some among us have more trouble assimilating and finding a depth of holiday spirt through no fault of their own. Mental illness is as real as a skinned knee or broken arm, yet often compounded by its very invisibility.

I invite you to read what Leander ISD is doing to help students cope with psychological challenges.
And in the New Year, I hope you consider taking a mental first aid course so when you come across someone in distress, you have the tools to ensure a successful resolution for everyone.
This website will get you started.


Your editor,
