If you are looking to have some fun locally this weekend, check out these three events happening in Grapevine: Friday, June 30 Wine & Yoga at Wine Fusion Winery The winery hosts a one-hour yoga class open to all levels—from beginners to advanced. After the class, attendees gather for a three-pour wine tasting. Guests can sign up online. Walk-ins are welcome based on the availability of space. Guests need to bring their own mats. Noon-2 p.m. $20. Wine Fusion, 603 S. Main St., Grapevine. 817-739-3886. http://winefusionwinery.com/shop/wine-and-yoga 'The Rescuers'

Two mice with the Rescue Aid Society search for a little girl kidnapped by unscrupulous treasure hunters in the 1977 animated Disney film. Online ticket sales close at midnight the night before the show, but guests can also purchase tickets the day of the show. Bring in a same-day receipt from any Grapevine restaurant and get a free popcorn. 7:30 p.m. $6. The Palace Theatre, 300 S. Main St., Grapevine. 817-410-3100. https://www.grapevinetexasusa.com/event/the-rescuers/20349/

July 1-2

AGMC annual Jubilee Show

The 60th annual Jewelry, Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show features over 25 vendors, jewelry-making classes, hourly silent auctions, raffles, activities for children, gemstone identification and an artist gallery. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. (Saturday), 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (Sunday). $4 (seniors and children), $6 (general admission). Grapevine Convention Center, 1209 S. Main St., Grapevine. 469-751-2944. http://www.agemclub.org