Construction began in June on new sidewalks to fill in gaps along North Lamar Boulevard from US 183 to Braker Lane in North Austin. The project (No. 4 on map), which will continue through late 2018, also includes replacing existing sidewalks A $1.2 million grant from the Texas Department of Transportation is helping to fund the $1.5 million initiative. Here are several other Northwest Austin-area transportation projects underway or in planning. 1. Resurfacing Parmer Lane The Texas Department of Transportation is resurfacing Parmer Lane from MoPac to the I-35 southbound frontage road. The $1.5 million project is expected to start in July. 2. I-35 frontage roads repaving In May, TxDOT began resurfacing the frontage roads of I-35 from SH 45 N to Rundberg Lane. The project costs about $4.75 million and will continue through early August. 3. Routine street maintenance The city of Austin's street maintenance program continues through September. Several streets in Northwest Austin will have work done, and residents in affected areas will be notified 30 days before work begins. 5. US 183 North toll lanes Construction could begin in early 2019 to add four tolled lanes and a fourth nontolled lane between MoPac and RM 620 as well as direct connectors between US 183 and the MoPac express toll lanes. The $650 million cost includes direct connectors between US 183 and RM 620, which will be built at a later date. Construction will take about three years and wrap up in 2022. In May, Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority staffers revealed how the project would be funding, including federal and state grants and toll revenue bonds. 6. MoPac toll lanes Major structural construction wrapped up in late May on the MoPac express toll lanes between Parmer Lane and Cesar Chavez Street. Through summer, crews will be laying the final layer of pavement. The rest of the $204 million project could open in stages. Part of the northbound toll lane opened last October. 7. Northern Walnut Creek Trail Phase 1A Construction will begin in the fall on the last segment of Phase 1 that will take the trail from underneath MoPac to Balcones District Park. The trail is being constructed as part of the Waters Park Relief Main project to increase wastewater capacity near the park. City of Austin bonds are funding the project, which will continue into 2018. 8. Northern Walnut Creek Trail Phase 2 The city aims to complete design in early 2018 on the extended trail from Walnut Creek Metropolitan Park to I-35. The 10-foot-wide trail will be 1.8 miles long. Construction is expected to begin in late 2018 and continue through 2019. The trail extension is expected to cost between $3.5 million and $4 million and will be funded by a TxDOT grant, the 2016 Mobility Bond Program and the Austin Parks and Recreation Department.