The Georgetown Area Junior Forum is seeking sponsors to help collect at least $25,000 in school supplies for Georgetown ISD students. Fill the Bus, the annual service project, aims to gather and distribute supplies to help area students succeed in school. Unlike in years past, GAJF officials said they are accepting money donations instead of collecting supplies so more items can be bought in bulk. With more than 11,000 students, Georgetown ISD officials said around 43 percent of students within the school district qualify for free and reduced lunch.   Sponsorships:
  •  As a $250 cash sponsor, your business name will be posted on the GAJF Facebook page website,  banner and thank you ad.
  •  As a $500 or above cash sponsor, your business logo will be on the GAJF Facebook page website,  banner and thank you ad.
The deadline for sponsorship sign-up is June 30.   Events:
  • Walmart Campaign: August 11-12, from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
  • Distribution Campaign: August 14, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and August 15, from 4 p.m.- 8 p.m. at Boys & Girls Club of Georgetown.
  For additional information or questions, contact Paula Miller at 512-294-1242 or at [email protected]