Randy Pogue[/caption]
Mayor Pro Tem Randy Pogue is running for the mayor’s seat in the upcoming McKinney City Council elections. Early voting begins April 24, and Election Day is May 6. Pogue is running against
George Fuller and Danny Bishop. Current McKinney Mayor Brian Loughmiller has reached his term limit for the position.
Licensed Professional Engineer in both the states of Texas and Oklahoma. I am a previous business owner for over 17 years in McKinney and over 25 years of business experience in both construction and civil engineering. Due to the sale of the business approximately 18 months ago and with an employment agreement with the acquiring company, I am currently operating as the DFW Land Leader for Westwood Professional Services.
Why are you running for McKinney City Council?
McKinney is a great place to live and work. As a long-time resident, I fully subscribe to the sentiment that we must learn, earn and return.
Over the last four years of serving on City Council, I have enjoyed serving our community. I have proven leadership, experience, and qualifications in a long-term successful business, as well as in community service, here in McKinney. I have been actively involved in various areas of the community, which provides for a well-balanced approach toward the solutions that are required to meet the needs of our community. I am passionate about our city. I will serve you with integrity and professionalism.
What issues do you feel the city will face within the next few years?
This is a critical time for our community as we decide which way to go. Are we going to be a bedroom community, a booming metropolis or a healthy and sustainable balance of somewhere in the middle? The decisions of the current council, of which I have participated, have laid some very important foundations for the future. The most important focus for the City Council should be to create a strong and balanced economy that would promote more commercial tax base which will reduce the homeowner’s property tax burden, as well as bring much needed jobs to our city.
Additionally, there are numerous other challenges such as our water supply, transportation, and commercial developments integrated with our significant residential population and continued growth. We also face the need and challenges of how to implement these issues as we continue to grow.
If elected, how would you address those issues?
McKinney residents want to buy local. In order to achieve this we must have the necessary resources.
First, we must remain committed to recruiting and attracting more commercial and retail development. Additionally, we must strengthen the city’s partnerships with the Economic Development Corp., Community Development Corp., Chamber of Commerce, McKinney National Airport and Main Street. We must also continue to strategically plan for the future growth of McKinney. This process has begun with McKinney 2040, but will not be adopted until after the current election cycle. Additionally, the preservation of, and proper planning for, the remaining commercial corridors will aid in a better economic forecast. This will lead to infrastructure improvements (roadways, water and sanitary sewer) in a strategic manner. Finally, I will work to enhance the city of McKinney’s reputation in the business community in an effort to attract the highest and best use for remaining land. With this election, it is very important that the correct people are elected to continue to build upon the foundation and provide stability for the community. Since my election in 2013 to the date of this election, if successful, I would be the only remaining member of the 2013 election class. In order for McKinney to be successful, we need stability in our governance from both the administrative and political sides. The reset button has been hit, and the continuity of knowledge, relationships, understanding of council and ordinances, master planning, etc. are vital to the future of the city.
What qualifications do you possess that make you a prime candidate for the position?
I have served in various capacities in the community as well as owning businesses here in McKinney. Some of my community involvement includes the Planning and Zoning Commission, McKinney Chamber of Commerce, McKinney Education Foundation, among others. It has been an honor serving the city as a council member at-large since 2013, and most recently as Mayor Pro-Tem since 2016. I was very involved in the selection and hiring process of our current City Manager Paul Grimes. He and his staff bring the needed stability to our city management that allows us to continue
to build upon our strong foundation.
During my time on Council, we have issued more than 1,173 non-residential permits with a value of nearly $1 billion. We have also issued more than 7,338 single-family permits with a value of over $2.48 billion with an average home price of $338,000. And, in the last four years we have increased our sales tax from $18 million to $22 million per year.
The past four years have been a time of exciting growth for our city. We have laid the foundation and are poised for success as we continue to experience unprecedented growth, especially in commercial developments.