1Justin Lane street reconstruction and utility improvements

The $6.5 million roadway reconstruction and utility adjustment project began in October. Justin Lane will be reconstructed from Burnet Road to Reese Lane, and water line improvements will be made from Burnet to North Lamar Boulevard.

Timeline: October 2016-October 2017

2Riverside Drive/Lakeshore Boulevard bicycle and pedestrian improvements

Last year, an $814,000 project began on Riverside Drive and Lakeshore Boulevard to transform the corridor into a pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly public space. Multimodal transportation issues, such as adding sidewalks, ADA-compliant accessibility and bicycle lanes are being addressed, and work also entails the installation of a rain garden to improve water quality. Lakeshore underwent routine street resurfacing in 2016 as part of the Austin transportation and public works departments’ implementation of the bike system on Lakeshore from Riverside to Pleasant Valley Road. In coordinating with the resurfacing, the transportation department found an opportunity to modify the street striping with little to no effect on project cost and duration.

Timeline: summer 2016-spring 2017

3Rio Grande Street reconstruction

Roadwork on the west side of Rio Grande from 24th to 26th streets concluded in late 2016. The $9 million reconstruction of Rio Grande between 24th and 29th streets to improve water infrastructure, add sidewalk curbs and enhance bicycle facilities began in February 2016 and will continue throughout 2017.

Timeline: February 2016-January 2018

4Colorado Street reconstruction

Work began in late November 2015 on the southbound lanes of Colorado between Eighth and 10th streets. That stretch is reduced to a single lane during the current phase of construction. Work will then shift to the northeast side of the Colorado and Ninth Street intersection. The lane closure allows for the installation of a new storm drain and water and wastewater lines, wider sidewalks, and curb and gutter fixes as well as street reconstruction. This phase of the project is expected to be completed by the end of January. Work will then move to the west side of Colorado from Eighth to 10th and is expected to wrap up in June.

Timeline: November 2015-June 2017

5Redbud Trail bridge replacement

Engineers began studying in March how to replace the bridge on Redbud over Lady Bird Lake. Strains placed on the bridge caused by flooding, population growth and the increasing number of vehicles traversing it have led to a redesign of the 68-year-old bridge, which is nearing the end of its operational life. The new bridge will provide enhanced bicycle and pedestrian access. The city of Austin Public Works Department began gathering public input on the project this summer, and the design phase is slated to come to a close this year. The project is funded by various bonds, including those from 1998, 2006 and 2012. Additional funds for the project are expected to be identified soon.

Timeline: March 2016-fall 2017 (design phase), construction timeline TBD

6Southeast Allandale water and wastewater improvements

Replacement of water and wastewater lines on 12 streets in the Allandale subdivision is slated to continue through the fall. The project entails street overlay, a street maintenance technique that applies about 2 inches of asphalt to the existing road surface. Crews are also installing water and wastewater mains, valves, service connections and manholes. The $3.81 million project is funded by Austin Water, the city’s water utility provider.

Timeline: April 2016-January 2018

735th Street sidewalk construction

A city contractor completed electrical feeder upgrades to the Davis Water Treatment Plant, 3500 W. 35th St., in mid-December. Crews began in January installing new sidewalk from Foothill Drive to Hillview Road. The project, which began in August, entails construction of electrical feeders under 35th from Austin Energy’s Warren substation near Camp Mabry to the Davis Water Treatment Plant, which will help maintain reliable delivery of drinking water to Austin Water utility customers.

Timeline: August 2016-February 2017
