What we reported
Bee Cave City Council adopted Our Bee Cave 2037, a new comprehensive plan, this fall. It is an update to Bee Cave’s 2009 document and intended to accommodate the city’s growth through its 50th anniversary.
The plan provides a guide for the city to follow for future development, and the new iteration includes the creation of five districts outlining specific land uses within each district: West Gateway, the West 71 Corridor, the Hamilton Pool Road Corridor, the Recreation and Entertainment District, and the Central Business District.
The latest
Council approved annexation and a site proposal Jan. 10, 2017, to develop a 128-acre tract off Hamilton Pool Road and about 900 feet west of Cueva Drive. The tract contained a 2015 negotiated development agreement when Bee Cave sought to annex the area. The agreement provides for annexation if the property is developed for a use other than a qualifying agricultural exemption.
Under the new comprehensive plan guidelines, the developer was restricted to create larger, less-dense lots. The project includes a 76-homesite development containing a minimum of 1-acre lot sizes.
What’s next
With the comprehensive plan complete, the next step will be to update Bee Cave’s zoning ordinance based on the city’s new districts, City Manager Travis Askey said.
This story is one update from The January Issue. View the full list of 10 things to look for in 2017 here.