The annual Volunteer Guide lists organizations in and around Frisco that rely on volunteers to help them operate. Volunteers help organize and run events; provide assistance for in-need people; or care for abused, neglected or homeless animals. Interested volunteers can reach out to the following organizations for more information.
Baylor Scott & White Medical Center-Centennial
The center’s volunteer program has individuals serving in one of many roles throughout the care facility.
12505 Lebanon Road, Frisco 972-963-3333 Twitter: @bswhealth
Becky’s Hope Horse Rescue
Becky’s Hope Horse Rescue is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, sanctuary and re-homing of abused, neglected, and abandoned horses and farm animals. Volunteers are needed to do chores in and around the barn. Volunteers can also help with fundraising, community outreach, and/or on-site event planning and execution.
13100 SH 121, Frisco 214-918-6508 Twitter: @TXHorseRescue
Big Brothers Big Sisters
The nation’s largest mentoring organization gives children facing adversity the chance to establish relationships that help change their lives. Individuals, couples or families can volunteer to serve as mentors or can assist with events or academic mentoring.
101 S. Coit Road, Ste. 115, Richardson 214-441-2227 Twitter: @BigsTx

Boys & Girls Club of Collin County-Frisco branch
The mission of the Boys & Girls Club is to help young people reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens. Volunteers can assist with that mission through daily activities, homework tutoring, mentoring, maintaining the facility and special events.
8750 McKinney Road, Frisco 214-387-8405 Twitter: @BGCCollinCounty
Camp Craig Allen
Camp Craig Allen is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the “overlooked” physically disabled adults, children and veterans of North Texas. It promotes advocacy and independence through educational, recreational and therapeutic programs. Volunteers are especially needed for fundraising the amateur barbecue cook-off Oct. 7-8. For more details, email [email protected].
P.O. Box 834, Aubrey 940-365-4357 Twitter: @CampCraigAllen
CASA of Collin County
CASA, or Court Appointed Special Advocates, turns community members into advocates for children removed from their homes by Child Protective Services. The group and its volunteers work to ensure the children’s needs are met and rights are protected. Volunteers receive training and assist with court appearances and visitations.
101 E. Davis St., McKinney 972-529-2272 Twitter: @CASACollin
City of Frisco
Volunteers with the city’s Municipal Volunteer Program can give back to the community at local events by working with different city departments.
6101 Frisco Square Blvd., Frisco 972-292-5078 Twitter: @CityOfFriscoTX
City House
City House operates an emergency shelter for children through age 17, three transitional living homes for struggling young adults ages 18-22 and a Youth Resource and Outreach Center for at-risk youth ages 15-17. More than 2,400 volunteers contributed 59,000 volunteer hours last year. The children’s emergency shelter—My Friend’s House—the Transitional Living program, administration, street outreach and development/fundraising teams rely on the support of volunteer resources to fulfill the mission.
901 18th St., Plano 972-424-4626 Twitter: @TexasCityHouse
Frisco Arts
A nonprofit, community-based organization formed in 1996 by residents and business leaders, the mission of Frisco Arts is to advance the arts in Frisco through advocacy, programming, grants and scholarships, supporting the economic growth and cultural identity of the city of Frisco. To volunteer or for more information, email [email protected].
3245 Main St., Frisco 972-810-1028 Twitter: @FriscoArts

Frisco Family Services
Frisco Family Services supports local individuals and families experiencing financial crisis. Volunteer are needed in the organization’s various departments. Volunteers are critical to its success, and there are a wide variety of opportunities. Volunteers are needed for the resale store, the food pantry, the agency office, the community garden, fundraising and special events.
8780 Third St., Frisco 972-335-9495 Twitter: @FriscoFS
Frisco Helpers
Frisco Helpers is an organization sponsored by area churches. The organization helps elderly residents in Frisco with minor home repair and maintenance. 214-973-1490 www.friscohelpers.orgFrisco Heritage Museum
The museum features artifacts and photos depicting Frisco’s history. Volunteers help with exhibits, special projects and operations.
6455 Page St., Frisco 972-292-5665 Twitter: @FriscoHeritage
Frisco Humane Society
The organization helps save the lives of homeless, abused or unwanted animals. Volunteers can foster animals until permanent homes can be found or be trained as adoption counselors to assist during adoption events. The organization can also use volunteers to clean the animals’ cages.
P.O. Box 2655, Frisco 972-498-8980 Twitter: @FriscoHumaneSoc

Kenna’s Kids
Kenna’s Kids is a nonprofit organization that aims to provide financial assistance for families whose children are facing health challenges. Sponsors and volunteers are needed to assist in fundraising and events.
P.O. Box 177, Frisco 972-342-1758 Twitter: @KennasKids

ManeGait Therapeutic Horsemanship
ManeGait Therapeutic Horsemanship assists children and adults with disabilities through horse therapy. Volunteers are needed to assist riders, help with office work and be part of event committees. The next volunteer training day is from 8:30 a.m.-noon Aug. 13. Register online at
3160 N. Custer Road, McKinney 469-742-9611 Twitter: @ManeGait
Meals on Wheels-Collin County
The organization provides and delivers meals and other support services to senior citizens age 60 and older. Volunteers are needed for administration support and to help prepare and deliver meals.
600 N. Tennessee St., McKinney 972-562-6996 Twitter: @MOWCollinCounty
Miracle League of Frisco
This sports organization provides special-needs children ages 5-19 with the opportunity to play a variety of sports, including basketball, baseball and soccer. Volunteers work as “buddies,” assisting players during games. There are also opportunities to coach, umpire, take photographs and assist with setting up activities.
P.O. Box 2831, Frisco 214-295-6411 Twitter: @MLFrisco
Museum of the American Railroad
The museum preserves the history and examines the future of the nation’s trains and rail systems. Volunteers work as tour guides and docents, and tour guides are especially needed. Tours are outside and volunteers need to be physically able to walk and conduct the tours, which usually begin at 10 a.m. daily.
6455 Page St., Frisco 214-428-0101 Twitter: @HistoricTrains
National Videogame Museum
The National Videogame Museum displays a collection of video game memorabilia spanning more than three decades. Volunteers at the museum are asked to help with greeting and directing museum guests, helping with wristbands, assisting with photos at the Mario statue and keeping the exhibits tidy.
8004 Dallas Parkway, Frisco 972-668-8400 Twitter: @nvmusa
North Collin County Habitat for Humanity
The organization helps others by building homes and communities. Volunteer positions are available for building or repairing homes along with administrative work or helping with merchandise at the organization’s ReStore.
2060 Couch Drive, McKinney 972-542-5300 Twitter: @NCCHabitat
Teens4Green is a service-based environmental club. Volunteers are involved with ongoing projects, including the Shawnee Trail Demonstration Garden, Adopt-A-Street, zero-waste events, environmental outreach and the community garden. So far in 2016, Teens4Green has contributed 495 volunteer hours in 17 events. For more information, email [email protected].
6616 Walnut St., Frisco 972-292-5900 Twitter: @Teens_4_Green
The Turning Point Rape Crisis Center of Collin County
The Turning Point Rape Crisis Center of Collin County seeks to prevent bullying, sexual harassment and sexual assault through counseling, education and advocacy. Volunteers can help in a variety of positions, including acting as crisis advocates trained to provide intervention and support to assault survivors.
P.O. Box 866754, Plano 3325 Silverstone Drive, Plano 972-985-0951 Twitter: @TurningPointRCC
This list is not comprehensive.