1. Grand Parkway Segment G
The Texas Department of Transportation finished construction on Segment G of the Grand Parkway, Houston’s third outer loop, in mid-March. The cost to travel from I-45 to Hwy. 59 is $3.01. Construction began simultaneously on segments F-1, F-2 and G in mid-2013, but the completion of Segment G was delayed more than a month due to weather-related issues. The three newest sections of the Grand Parkway include 38 miles of tolled road from Hwy. 290 in Cypress to Hwy. 59 near New Caney. Timeline: mid-2013-March 2016 Cost: $1.2 billion Funding sources: TxDOT
2. Rayford Road improvements
The November county bond election approved by voters last fall provided funding for improvements to the Rayford Road corridor from Richard Road to the Grand Parkway. Proposed improvements include widening the roadway from four to six lanes, building a six-lane bridge to bypass the Union Pacific Railroad, installing new traffic signals and street signage, building a raised median and installing additional traffic lights. Construction could begin by early next year and will take about two years to complete. Precinct 3 will host a public meeting from 4-7 p.m. April 14 at Faith United Methodist Church to provide residents more details regarding the upcoming project, which is in the preliminary design stage. Timeline: TBD Cost: $60 million Funding sources: Montgomery County Precinct 3
3. I-45 HOV lane extension
TxDOT is extending the I-45 high occupancy vehicle lane from north of FM 1960 in northern Harris County to South Loop 336 in Conroe. Construction began on the project in October, and work is expected to wrap up by May. The project adds one new lane in each direction. Timeline: October-May Cost: $2.6 million Funding sources: TxDOT
4. Gosling Road improvements
Voters in Harris County approved a $700 million mobility bond package last November to help accommodate rapid population growth. Precinct 4, which includes the Village of Creekside Park in The Woodlands, will receive 30 percent of the transportation funding. The precinct has plans to make several improvements to the Gosling Road corridor including widening the road from two to four lanes from West Rayford Road to Creekside Forest Drive. Bond funds may also pay for the construction of a second bridge over Spring Creek. Timeline: TBD Cost: $7 million (bridge), $4.9 million (widening between Creekside Forest Drive and West Rayford Road) Funding sources: Harris County Precinct 4
5. Egypt Lane widening
The project will widen a half-mile stretch from Research Forest Drive to FM 1488 from two to four lanes with a center-turn lane. A storm sewer system will be installed to replace the existing drainage ditches. Timeline: summer 2017-TBD Cost: $1.8 million Funding sources: Westwood Magnolia Parkway Improvement District

6. Woodlands Parkway lane improvements
Construction on intersection improvements at Woodlands Parkway and Grogan’s Mill Road continues this spring. The project adds eastbound and westbound left-turn lanes, widens the northbound and southbound approaches and widens the area under the overpass. Lane closure details associated with the project can be found on The Woodlands Township’s website. Timeline: June 2015-summer 2016 Cost: $1.2 million Funding sources: Woodlands Road Utility District

7. Kuykendahl Road bridge
The WRUD has designed a bridge for Kuykendahl Road at Spring Creek, which will expand the road to four lanes. Montgomery County has approved the agreement for the WRUD to manage the project. Approval from Harris County is pending. Harris County estimates that once a contractor has been selected, construction will take 12-18 months. Timeline: TBD Cost: $7.4 million Funding sources: Harris and Montgomery counties, WRUD
8. FM 2978 widening
TxDOT plans to widen FM 2978 in two sections: from Dry Creek to Hufsmith Conroe Road and from Dry Creek north to FM 1488. The 6.5-mile widening project, set to begin this summer, will help make the road safer and alleviate congestion, according to TxDOT officials. Timeline: mid-2016-2019 Cost: $25 million Funding sources: TxDOT