The Planning & Zoning Commission voted 5-1 at its March 22 meeting to approve an ordinance amendment that includes new bicycle parking requirements.

The amendment will provide short-term and long-term bicycle racks for commercial and multifamily uses.

It will also provide regulations on the dimension, material and location of bicycle racks.

Commissioner Rick Williamson, who opposed the amendment change, said the standards were not descriptive enough for developers who may find some challenges meeting the new requirements.

Chairman Bill Woodward said if it ever did become a challenge for a developer, the director of development services could have some say in allowing an exception to the developer.

According to the ordinance, short-term racks are placed closer to the main entrance of a building and are intended for parking for less than three hours.

Long-term racks are placed farther away and are intended for parking for more than three hours.

According to the standards, the bicycle racks will provide at least two bike spaces and will be 4 feet wide by 6 feet long.